
slave Training Game Plan

This is a detailed synopsis of our training process. We will discuss our use of contracts and collars. An important point we must make, before any applicant is accepted we will get a criminal background check. We must be discreet and cautious. We will not accept just anyone into our lives and homes. We must be careful with whom we associate. Again, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me

  1. Online
  2. Contracts
  3. Training
  4. Collars
  5. A Training Day

To review, after the applicant sends in the necessary paperwork, and at least one phone call has been exchanged, the Master and Mistress will review all the information and make a decision to accept the applicant or not. If you are chosen, daily emails and chats will come next, then phone calls at regular intervals leading to visits/meetings and eventually moving in. After the candidate is chosen certain rules will be followed. These rules can be found in the Rules section of our webpage. This is the commencement of training, of course, at a very mild and informal level. At this point, we can gauge the dedication and sincerity of the candidate. And these rules will help each party get a better feel for one another.

Either party may end the relationship in a proper way; with an email and phone call stating the end of the relationship. Any items that have been exchanged can be returned. If the candidate ends the relationship, they cannot re-apply.

Before moving in and during this informal training, the trainee will receive a Collar of Consideration from the Master and Mistress. It is an honor and it is given with sincerity. It is the property of the Master and Mistress and as such will be taken care of by the trainee. If the collar is ruined or damaged in any way, or lost, the trainee will replace it.


A week after moving in, the Master, Mistress and trainee will sign a training contract. Slavery is illegal in the United States of America, as is in most countries in the world. Hence, any slavery contract will be null and void in any court in the country. A contract between both parties, i.e. the owners and slave, is merely for a further enhancement of the position of authority of the owner (s) and of submission of the slave (s). It clearly states the positions, duties and expectations of both parties so confusions do not occur in the future. Contracts provide a ritualistic gesture which increases the slaves awareness of the importance of the commitment. It will be drawn up by the Mistress and Master. The contracts will be held by the owners, but it may be available to the slave (s) in the proper forum. She/he should read it thoroughly before signing. If the trainee would like to input something or has a problem with something, they may bring it up BEFORE signing. It is written for the benefit of both parties and will not be signed unless both parties are in agreement about its contents.

This contract will be the Training Contract. It will stipulate a period of time known as the training period. The length of time will depend on the previous experience of the trainee. For instance, if the trainee is a gourmet cook or is proficient in a language or gardening, the length of time for that lesson will lessen thus the training period lessens. The training period will not be less than 6 weeks, but it can be as long as one year. (Specialized training is a separate issue and can take years depending on the specialty.)

At the end of the training period, the Master and Mistress will review the trainee's accomplishments and progress. If the trainee has not completed all the required lessons or done poorly, their training may be lengthened. At this time, the trainee can decide to continue with training or they may end the contract and leave. If the trainee decides not to stay for further training, they can not re-apply. If the trainee decides to continue with the training, they will be required to sign an extension of the training contract.


Once contracts are signed, both parties are expected to abide by them for the duration. The trainee/slave should understand implicitly that during the length of the contract term, they have agreed not only to live by our rules, but that they have agreed to live as our slave, and is subject to our authority. If either party cannot reasonably uphold the principles of the Master/slave relationship, you should reconsider your desire to be a slave or own a slave.


Training will be handled by the Master and the Mistress. In some cases, they may bring in outside instructors in areas they may not be totally knowledgeable. The reason for the various lessons is to produce a well rounded slave who will fit in most, if not all situations. If the relationship does not work out, the student will at least have some experience or skills that can be beneficial if they decide to seek service elsewhere.

The training is to help make the student a slave. It will consist of sexual lessons as well as domestic, clerical, physical and academic lessons. Many will not be able to handle such an intense and laborious schedule. All this will be determined within the first week. The first week of moving in will be a probationary period/examination period. This time can be used to end the relationship if either party is not comfortable with one another. If the trainee makes a good impression and continues to take this seriously, they will pass this probationary period and enter into formal training, & sign the training contract. They will then wear our Training Collar.


Here is a short list of some of the required lessons that will the taught.

  • First aid
  • Household management
  • Walking/posture
  • Cooking/Caribbean Cuisine
  • Gardening
  • Antiquing
  • Position training
  • Music/instrument
  • Speaking
  • Art/Architecture
  • Tea Service: English/Japanese
  • Fashion
  • Ponyplay

Along with specific lessons, the trainee/student will have slave manuals to study and memorize.

Before moving in, the trainee should take measures to take care of their belongings/furnishings and responsibilities. Many decide to put their items in storage, or sell them or give them away for safe keeping to family members or friends. Others get rid of the bigger items and bring with them the smaller items. If this is the case just know, when the trainee signs the contract all belongings will become the property of the Mistress and Master. If they decide to allow you to keep something it will be their choice. Some people take a sabbatical from their responsibilities or end them altogether. This can be discussed with the Master and Mistress when the time comes.

During training the student may be sent to college for further academic study. Or, the student may wish to continue their education and transfer to one of the local colleges in our area. If either is the case, they must take the training/service and their academic studies seriously. Time for each will be made and an appropriate schedule will be made up to accommodate each.

Also, part of training may entail an outside job. It may be a part time job or full time. Any job must be approved by the Mistress and Master. Some of the reasons for employment may be to help the student with management skills, clerical skills, multi-tasking, cooking skills, or serving skills. This method is not appropriate for all trainees. Nevertheless, it is important to be aware of this option. Again, a timeserving schedule will be made up by the Master and Mistress to accommodate an outside job.

During training all trainees will wear a uniform. The uniform for females will be an oversized housekeepers dress; most likely gray, black oxford shoes or sneakers, (white ankle socks optional) no makeup, no underwear, hair in a bun, no jewelry, and the training collar. There is further information for those that are interested and serious.


Interviews are the main method of judging a student's performance and state of mind. There will be different types of interviews: prearranged questions, tests, and discussions.

This will help the Master and Mistress design a proper program of training for the student. Interviews will also help everyone get to know one another better.

Notes will be taken throughout the ownership. Everything will be noted and observed. These notes will be kept in a slave file. The file will be kept by the owners. This will make it easier when dealing with more than one student/slave, and for easy access for future references.


We use the basic 3 collars: Collar of Consideration, Training Collar and Formal Collar.

When the training contract is signed, the Collar of Consideration will be handed in and the Training Collar will be given. After the training period, the student has an important choice to make. They can sign our formal contract and be given our Formal Collar. At this time they will be known as our slave and called as such. They may refer to us as 'Mistress' and 'Master'. The student may also wish to end the relationship and not sign the formal contract, give the training collar back, and take any monies saved for them and leave. If they decide to stay with us, sign the formal contract and wear our collar, every year on that same date the contract will be renegotiated. During each re-negotiation they may decide to end the relationship. If they decide to leave they may do so without fear of losing anything, i.e. money or future contact. They can sign for another year or negotiate for a longer or shorter time frame. They can negotiate more vacation time, or school or an outside job, or any other reasonable aspect. Of course, they dont have to negotiate anything and just sign the same contract. As with the training contract, we advise that you read the formal contract carefully. Nothing will be signed without the approval of all concerned.

Throughout the relationship; both during and after training, the student/slave has but one choice, at any time they may end the relationship. All they have to say is no, and leave our house. This is known as self-dismissal. If they do this, the contract is broken and they lose everything. If the owners wish to give the slave anything to take, it will be their choice. Any monies saved for them will be kept by the Mistress and Master, they may not contact the Owner.

Specialized Training

After the basic training period, the Master and Mistress may decide to send the student away for more training in a specialty. More information on this will be given if the applicant is sincere, interested and serious in their intent.


The slave/trainee is entitled to vacation time. During their stay with the Master and Mistress, the slave/trainee may take one week vacation. They may go anywhere they wish; visit friends, family, or just go some place quiet. The vacation money will come from any savings the owners keep for the slave/trainee. This will all be stipulated in the contracts: training and formal. For those that are accepted for the slave position, more information will be made available.

A Training Day

A day of training will contain several tasks. It may consist of the following:

  1. various household chores
  2. preparing and studying mundane lessons
  3. doing clerical work
  4. sexual lessons
  5. preparing meals
  6. working out
  7. running errands
  8. interviews with the Owners

1 comment:

  1. What is this? Where i am supposed to send application? :D
